Saturday, April 27, 2024

Travel to Palermo

Melon with Prosciutto

Seafood with pasta

Swordfish rolls



Teatro Politeama

Teatro Massimo (Opera House)

Ricotta and sundried tomatoes


Mixed vegetables


 On Friday, we had breakfast as a group one last time before departing the cooking school. It was a great group of people.  I hope we stay in touch. Our driver picked us up and took us to our next hotel in Palermo. 

When we got to Palermo, our room wasn’t ready yet so we went out to explore the neighborhood and got lunch. At the cooking school, we pretty much only had water, tea or coffee, and wine to drink so I was excited to have sparkling water back. 

After settling into our hotel, we ventured back out to do some shopping and also decided to take a tour of the Opera House assuming our tour guide won’t take us there Saturday.  It was really stunning. While we were there an orchestra was rehearsing so we got to hear some music. We did some shopping before dinner and dropped everything off at our room. 

For dinner, we had a reservation and arrived to find the restaurant VERY closed so we went back to the area where we had lunch and chose another restaurant. It was really good. I was joking the worst thing I’ve eaten was the potato on a grilled vegetable plate that I thought was something else. We decided to forgo dessert at the restaurant and find the gelato place we had heard about from our cooking school group. The gelato was SO good. 

On Saturday, we have a tour in the morning and then some unplanned time in Palermo before dinner. We fly out SO early on Sunday. 

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